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Gourd Banjo #506 Fretless Fencepost 5 string


Cherry Neck
Ash Fretless fingerboard std scale length 26 3/16″.
Can be be tuned up or down and double tunings as well
Canteen Gourd 11″ dia x 5 1/2 ” deep
1 3/4″ soundport
Natural Goatskin head
Ebony friction tuners
Corian nut 1 1/2″ wide
Barry Sholder std Gourd Banjo  string set…..extras available on acc. page.
CVarbonfibe/ Epoxy gourd interior



The Fencepost is by far the most popular banjo I make. This is rough and raw from the top to the bottom. The original Fencepost used part of a fence post and now has evolved into a rustic mess yet plays just like the rest of my gourd banjos. The neck is smooth with an poly finish, so no splinters.