Banjo #489 Naked Black Walnut Fretted


All wood Black Walnut with oil finish
Big 10 1/2″ dia x 7″ deep kettle gourd
Natural goatskin
Corian nut 1 7/16″ wide
Barry Sholder Std gourd Banjo Strings
Ebony friction violin tuners…very smooth
1 3/4″ sound port
19 frets


**Out of stock/Special Order Available

Please note: Available for special order means that the instrument is currently unavailable and will have to be built Usually about 4 weeks.


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This is a  first in the Naked series of banjos. Usually Curly Maple is used for these banjo, but I went with Black Walnut this time. All wood is oiled Black walnut. But wait there’s more. This guy is Fretted. There’s more…. a 10 1/2″ dia x 7 “deep  kettle gourd= deep sound. This is a killer banjo!